
When joy meets giving...Love Blossoms

At the Joy of Giving Foundation we are here to provide assistance and a smile for less fortunate children and there families in poverty stricken locations all throughout Colombia, South America. We are a family with a goal to even for a moment create a different paradigm for as many families and there children as humanly possible. All of us being so fortunate as to have the simple necessities of life, to be able to wake up in the morning and not have to deal with some of the harsh ordeals that millions of people cope with on a daily basis. If we here at the joy of giving foundation are able to accomplish our goal and help just one family have piece of mind or To see one smile on a child's face would equal our job well done.


When joy meets giving...Love Blossoms

At the Joy of Giving Foundation we are here to provide assistance and a smile for less fortunate children and there families in poverty stricken locations all throughout Colombia, South America. We are a family with a goal to even for a moment create a different paradigm for as many families and there children as humanly possible. All of us being so fortunate as to have the simple necessities of life, to be able to wake up in the morning and not have to deal with some of the harsh ordeals that millions of people cope with on a daily basis. If we here at the joy of giving foundation are able to accomplish our goal and help just one family have piece of mind or To see one smile on a child's face would equal our job well done.



30% of  all the people in Colombia live under the poverty line with almost 10% living in "EXTREME poverty". The inequality and violence roam the urban streets of loved ones but most importantly, their children exposed by a impoverished air. A lifestyle strictly of constant struggle to keep education and hunger from advancing in economic growth.  Through the care of The Joy of Giving Foundation, we are here for them with a promised hand of hope and a brighter tomorrow.


30% of  all the people in Colombia live under the poverty line with almost 10% living in "EXTREME poverty". The inequality and violence roam the urban streets of loved ones but most importantly, their children exposed by a impoverished air. A lifestyle strictly of constant struggle to keep education and hunger from advancing in economic growth.  Through the care of The Joy of Giving Foundation, we are here for them with a promised hand of hope and a brighter tomorrow.


From our heart, to yours.

Our mission here at the Joy of Giving Foundation is a need and a want to broaden our horizon to be able to help more and more children that are so needy throughout the world. Our family have been sending and taking many things back and forth to Colombia, to many locations and giving them out to people who are in need. we have taken many toys, shoes, clothing, and food and handed them out personally to as many children and their families as we can. the feeling that we walk away with is inexpressible in words and absolutely priceless. These are children that do not have shoes, have never had their own toy or even a ball to play with. Many of the toys and clothing we have sent to Colombia surprisingly enough are still in use till this day, these children enjoy every precious moment they have with their toys. We have also set up a school of underprivileged children that is run by the Nuns from the catholic church, we have supplied them with 8 computers, books, clothing, and most of the essentials. These children will now have a better opportunity to grow and learn because of technology that we take for granted here every day.


From our heart, to yours.

Our mission here at the Joy of Giving Foundation is a need and a want to broaden our horizon to be able to help more and more children that are so needy throughout the world. Our family have been sending and taking many things back and forth to Colombia, to many locations and giving them out to people who are in need. we have taken many toys, shoes, clothing, and food and handed them out personally to as many children and their families as we can. the feeling that we walk away with is inexpressible in words and absolutely priceless. These are children that do not have shoes, have never had their own toy or even a ball to play with. Many of the toys and clothing we have sent to Colombia surprisingly enough are still in use till this day, these children enjoy every precious moment they have with their toys. We have also set up a school of underprivileged children that is run by the Nuns from the catholic church, we have supplied them with 8 computers, books, clothing, and most of the essentials. These children will now have a better opportunity to grow and learn because of technology that we take for granted here every day.



To give, is to love.

Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated

To give, is to love.

Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated

We are looking for funding in order to expand The Joy of Giving Foundation and so that we have the possibility to be able to collect items and donations from the USA as well as pay for the selecting, sorting, and shipping of items collected here in the states. We are also looking to start up a school in one of the most deserted and abandoned locations of the region in Risaralda Colombia. These children are without schooling and lacking in the daily necessities of life. A school here would allow the opportunity for these children to grow and possibly go onto greater things in life. Right now there life consist of working in the fields picking coffee to help their families and survive. This has been the only life they have known and do not even know what it is to experience an education , a basic education.

Make a difference 

Through your compassion and faithful support to aid families living in poverty

Any questions or concerns feel free to contact us at any time

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A word of appreciation

Special thanks to the following sponsors for their generous support with The Joy of Giving Foundation. We sincerely thank you for your warm heart to heart involvement and hands out reach to the campaign.

A word of appreciation

Special thanks to the following sponsors for their generous support with The Joy of Giving Foundation. We sincerely thank you for your warm heart to heart involvement and hands out reach to the campaign.